Nervous Nellies

Stick with me today. I do have a point.

I looked at my phone for the weather shortly before 6:00 a.m. to take Lulu (our Miniature Australian Shepherd) out on the first walk of the day. It said rain starts in four minutes. We hightailed it out the door. A few moments later a thunderclap came out of no-where. Pull pull pull, try to slip Martingale collar. Mommy, get me home NOW!!! In between thunderclaps, there still wasn’t any rain, we tried to go inside and back out several times to no avail. Every dog we ran into had the same issue, all were trembling and pulling the leash home to safety. An hour later, the storm had passed, Lulu came out from behind the toilet and lay by the window again as if nothing had happened. We eventually were able to venture outside for her to finish her business.

Dogs have the luxury (or not) of living in the moment. If the sun is out, there was never a thunderstorm and all is right with the world. Ditto fireworks. For people, we need time to regroup after exciting or stressful situations. A lull in the action.

Think of entertainment, movies for example. Alfred Hitchcock was the master of suspense, but he didn’t keep you on the edge of your seat the entire movie. In “To Catch A Thief,” John Robie (The Cat) had the “meet cute” with Francie, and delightful scenes with her sassy mother, before he got seriously involved in tracking the jewel thief. my favorite line is the last one in the film, “Mother will love it up here.”

Of course this takes us to one Donald J Trump. For the past nine years, he’s had to be the center of controversy, therefore attention, at every minute of every day. Furious that he lost the presidency, he’s been Joe Biden’s unwelcome backseat driver every day of this administration. It’s one thing to disagree with his policies, but Trump won’t even concede the election after sixty courts ruled that it was fair.

Joe Biden works behind the scenes, and really gets things done. Big things, bipartisan things that have brought this country 180 degrees out of the pandemic. As an added bonus, he shares credit with others who have been toiling in the salt mines with him. Including members of the opposing party.

Trump takes credit for everything, blame for nothing, and leaves no air for anyone else. As a nation, we deserve to be tired. In politics, every moment of every day need not (indeed, should not) be a crisis. Unfortunately, we cannot all think like dogs and convince ourselves that the first quiet moment is the beginning of a period of lasting peace and tranquility. Unless and until Donald Trump is safely out of the picture. Personally, I’m thinking Gitmo, but only if there is no cell service. Hope you liked the tie-ins as I have to go. Thunderstorms again, all afternoon, so Lulu has to go out again now. She said NOW. Ok, ok! Cheers! Dee

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