
The debate is over, probably the last debate between these presidential candidates. Was it good? No. Did I learn anything new? No. Did it change my vote? No.

We have here two older white men with varied expertise. One is a lawyer who has been well trained in legislating, mastery of foreign and domestic policy and a lifetime of leadership and, yes, statesmanship. The other is a real estate developer who has had middling success at business, having been given a major leg up by his inheritance, and a lifetime of conning people into giving him money, topped off by great training as a reality tv host. Are either eloquent speakers? I think not.

The pundits have been handicapping this debate for months. I don’t think you need 23 cable tv hosts (crammed behind the same desk) live telling you everything they think about what the debate participants are saying. Plus, the Friday morning quarterbacking was insane. I know you get paid to hear yourselves talk but, please. Give it a rest.

In the end, these are the two people we voters have a choice for, for president of the United States. They’re the same people they were 24 hours ago before the debate, and tomorrow morning they’ll still be the same people with the same qualifications.

Yes, I believe that Joe Biden flubbed a lot of opportunities given to him by his opponent with his firehose of falsehoods. He could have been over-prepared, or his brain was just working too fast for his words to catch up. I know the feeling. But a former president, who wants to be re-elected, lied so many times I couldn’t even count them. And many were stupid lies, about losing the 2020 election, abiding by the vote count in 2024, even saying that Democrats are “for” murdering infants. Presidents should not be in the business of lying to the American people, look at what that did to the country during COVID.

The debate was neither man’s best performance, but let’s take it for what it was, a performance. It’s not what presidents are judged on. Presidents are decision-makers who have a wealth of information at their fingertips to make the best decisions for the American people. All Americans, not black or white, red or blue.

We can have a man who has served the American people all his life, surrounds himself with the best and most knowledgeable people, represents all Americans and will fight to preserve and defend our democracy. The other is a convicted criminal who tried to overturn the last election that he lost fair and square, who surrounds himself with sycophants and will repopulate the administrative state with theocrats and party loyalists who have no expertise in gene sequencing or meteorology or anything substantive and only wants to help rich, white MAGA Republicans. It’s an easy choice for me.

Heaven forbid, if Joe Biden kicks the bucket in his next term, we all know his VP, who has been vetted and is up to the task. With Trump, we might end up with Ivanka, Don Jr. or even Eric.

Yesterday was a day in the life. I’m a lifelong Buffalo Bills fan. Yes, they lost the Superbowl, more than once, but they got up the next day and fought on. Joe Biden’s been here before, and been underestimated before. Stop wringing your hands, Democrats. Joe Biden has given America over fifty years of his life. We can allow him an off-night. Think, and vote. That’s today’s Dee-ism.

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